Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week 7 - Catch Up, Wrap Up, and Catch My Breath

     This week in school is a partial week.  Students are in classes only Monday - Wednesday.  I was hoping to wrap up loose ends, administer a quick concept assessment with clickers, and run the robots in 5th grade.  However, now some of my classes will be off due to no school on Thursday and Friday. I will proceed as planned for the classes I have and decide what to do with the other classes during the course of this week.  I hate it when they have to miss.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 6 - Tricky, Tricky, Tricky

     This week 4th and 5th grade classes will be wrapping up a programming challenge and Academy of Engineering build.  I hope an hour will be enough time to tie up loose ends.  Wish my Monday classes luck.  They are my guinea pigs for the process.
     In Kindergarten I am going back to teaching the alphabet builds in alphabetic order.  I was trying to have it correspond with the letter they were working on in their classes, but they builds are harder as the alphabet progresses.