Saturday, February 17, 2018

No Need to Compare Professionally

It is easy with social media to get caught up in what others are accomplishing in their lives. This can occur at a personal and professional level. There are numerous awards and application professional development opportunities for educators. I share frequently on social media about opportunities available to educators and sometimes students. Some I participate in and some I don't. When I share about those I participate in, it is a chance to thank and support the organizations that made the professional development or award possible.  It also allows me to share with other educators that possibilities that exist. If I can do it, so can someone else. In fact, I share many opportunities that I am not successful at receiving. However, I apply for opportunities so frequently that the numbers are in my favor. I receive a fraction of the grants, professional development, or awards that I apply for. In fact, my second application to Honeywell Educators at Space Academy was unsuccessful (  Will I apply again next year? If I am eligible, I will apply. As an educator, I look to social media, not to compare myself to other educators, but to find those amazing opportunities I want to be a part of. There are many ways to feed your passion for educating students. Social media can be used to connect with others that are doing things that inspire you in your classroom, or follow organizations that offer grants, professional development, awards, other opportunities for you and your students. Use the power of social media to motivate you not to compare your professional path with others.

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